If you’re anticipating a tooth extraction, you might be feeling nervous, but there’s no need to worry. These procedures are routine, easy to recover from, and will ultimately improve your oral health.
One of the most common reasons for tooth extractions is the emergence of wisdom teeth, which typically develop between the ages of 17 and 25. However, when these teeth grow in, they can cause problems such as tooth damage, mouth crowding, jaw damage, and cavities. Tooth extraction may also be necessary due to infection, gum disease, or tooth damage.
Types of Tooth Extractions
There are two types of tooth extractions: simple and surgical. A simple extraction is performed when the tooth is visible, while a surgical extraction is necessary when the tooth hasn’t broken through the gum surface.
Before the procedure, you should arrange for someone to drive you home, avoid eating for 12 hours if you’ll receive anesthesia, and follow any other instructions from your doctor.
During a simple extraction, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth and use forceps to remove it. During a surgical extraction, your surgeon will make an incision, elevate the tooth, and remove it, possibly in pieces.
What is Recovery Like?
Following the procedure, you should rest and avoid strenuous activity, rinse your mouth with warm salt water, take prescribed medications, and consume only soft foods and liquids for a few days. Adhering to these instructions will promote proper healing.
In short order, you’ll be feeling better and experiencing relief from the tooth or teeth that were causing problems. If you think you may require a tooth extraction, contact Summerville Oral Surgery for assistance.